A meeting was held yesterday with the members of the Senate and the Equality Committee of the Cyprus University of Technology on the topic of discussion “Towards a (gender) bias free notion of merit and excellence” in the context of the implementation of the Gender Equality Plan through the Gender-SMART project. With their interventions, Maxime Forest, Gender Trainer & Expert and Anna Koukkides-Procopiou, External Advisor of the project, highlighted the recent changes in EU policy research and the competitive advantage of CUT, which is already on track to implement a Gender Equality Plan. The importance of effective and direct mobilization of the top management was mentioned by both speakers after some recommendations of good practices.
A training on the Integration of gender dimension in research was offered to the academic community of Cyprus University of Technology, by Maxime Forest, Gender Trainer and Expert at Yellow Window, on the 4th and 5th of November.
The training intended to provide relevant insights and hands-on experience in integrating a gender perspective in research projects, not only to meet funding requirements (as those newly established for Horizon Europe), but also tofurther improve research quality and validity in research areas relevant to Cyprus University of Technology.
Training on integration of gender dimension in research Meeting of the Senate and the Equality Committee of the Cyprus University of Technology on the topic of discussion “Towards a (gender) bias free notion of merit and excellence” Gender-SMART team members and Advisor
On the 5th of November, the topic of Gender Sensitive Recruitment and Management was offered by Maxime Forest, Gender Trainer and Expert at Yellow Window. Members of the Human Resources Services as well as other members of the Administrative Staff who are participated in the recruitment process, joined the session. The session aimed at providing key definitions and basic facts and figures to frame the topic, before introducing the notion of gender bias and how they may affect recruitment and promotion. The session offered informative modules with hands-on exercises in sub-groups, outlining the path for gender sensitive recruitment and management at CUT.