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Organized as part of the EU-funded Gender-SMART project (H2020), Yellow Window offers an online capacity building session to mobilize applied knowledge to provide definitions, evidence, and solutions relevant to the integration of the gender perspective in research projects. Under Horizon Europe, integrating the gender dimension in project management and research contents has become a mandatory requirement that contributes to enhancing the validity and applicability of research design, methods and outputs.

Combining short presentations with hands-on sessions in sub-groups, this activity will briefly introduce the state of the play with regard to gender imbalances in research and academic organizations, discuss the notions of gender blindness and gender bias in knowledge production, and provide practical guidance to enhance participants’ ability to mainstream a gender perspective.


Date: Monday, 16 May 2022 at 09.30 – 13.30 cest.

The session will be offered for free to people who are not yet familiar with the concept of gender in research and/or are uncertain how to operationalize it:


  • Researchers
  • Research coordinators at RPOs and RFOs
  • Research officers / research advisors / people in charge of supporting research projects
  • People in charge of the valorisation /dissemination of research outputs
  • Officers at research and transfer support units at universities

Learning objectives


  • Introduce gender bias in research organizations and knowledge production
  • Highlight the new context to integrating gender under Horizon Europe
  • Enhancing capacities for including the sex and gender dimensions throughout research projects’ lifecycles


Maxime Forest, PhD, is a senior expert and trainer at Yellow Window, specialized on integrating the gender dimension in research and innovation. He is also a senior researcher and lecturer at Sciences Po Paris University, where he teaches about Gender and Development. His research interest and expertise cover a wide range of areas, focusing on mainstreaming the gender perspective in research design and contents. He delivered hundreds of awareness raising and training sessions in the fields of agricultural research, agriculture for development, energy, environmental sciences, climate change, bio-medical sciences, infrastructures and engineering. He co-authored with Lut Mergaert the chapter devoted to integrating gender diversity in the SAGE Handbook of Research Management (2015) and recently coordinated a comprehensive study on Gender and Climate Change for the French Development Agency (2021).


09.30 – 09.45 Welcome / Expectations about the training session

09.45 – 10.00 Some basic definitions about advancing gender and diversity in research

10.00 – 10.30 About gender imbalances in research and the academia: the status quo Review of main issues related to gender in research: vertical/horizontal segregation/gender gap in funding/international mobility.

10.30 – 11.00 About (unconscious) gender biases in research Going through examples of gender biased research, Definition of unconscious biases

11.00 – 11.15 Break

11.15 – 11.30 Gendering research programs and projects under Horizon Europe: a new paradigm? Introduction to the new requirements and assessment criteria under the EU research and innovation framework program

11.30 – 11.45 Introducing the research cycle: some tips about integrating gender in research projects

11.45 – 12.30 Case studies (hands-on exercise carried out in sub-groups) Sub-groups to work on selected research project to assess potential gender relevance and/or mainstream a gender perspective

12.30 – 13.15 Restitution in plenary

13.15 – 13.30 Wrap-up and evaluation