The new Gender+-SMART Awards at Wageningen University & Research (WUR) are established to award and give attention to good practices of creating a more safe and respectful culture of collaboration and fostering a gender+ diverse and inclusive working and/or learning place at WUR. The awards show appreciation to teams that jointly work in this direction and highlight their initiatives to stimulate discussion and mutual learning among teams and groups to strengthen their efforts to contribute.
On 24 February 2022, Two inspiring groups were awarded with the new Gender+-SMART Award for their contribution to a safe and respectful WUR culture. Lieke van der Zouwen and Jara Bakx of the working group ‘Gender and Fieldwork’ received the first Gender+-SMART plaquette. Due to Covid-19, the plaquette for the diversity group of the Centre for Sustainable Governance (WCSG) will be handed over another time soon. The ceremony was combined with the awarding of two Storm-van der Chijs Stipends after the workshop ‘Advancing Gender+ Talent’.
The team of Gender-SMART at WUR is looking for more initiatives that deserve a Gender+-SMART Award, so a call to approach them is open.
More information about the Awards, the initiatives and the ceremony will be found here.