Gender-SMART will come together with GEARING-Roles to hold a special event with a focus on the European Year of Youth on 19th October 2022. The event will take place in Brussels and it will also be live broadcasted. You may find below more details and the updated agenda. To join us, don’t forget to register, here.

14:00–14:10 | Welcome by coordinators Nadine Zakhia, (Coordinator of Gender-SMART, CIRAD) María Silvestre, (Coordinator of Gearing-ROLES, University of Deusto) |
14:10–15:40 | Roundtable “Youth and gender equality in the digital age: For an inclusive, equal, and creative future” Moderated by: Ayse Gül Altinay (Sabancı University) Speakers: Manon Deshayes, (European Youth Forum) Charlotte Waeyenbergh, (Academics for Development) Panayiota Polykarpou, (Cyprus University of Technology) Estibaliz Linares, (University of Deusto) Aisling Molloy, (Teagasc) Fulya Kama Özelkan, (Sabancı University) |
15:40–16:00 | “Perspectives on Gender and the digital age”, by Elisabeth Lipiatou, (DG Connect, European Commission) |
16:00–16:05 | Closure of event by coordinators Nadine Zakhia, (Coordinator of Gender-SMART, CIRAD) María Silvestre, (Coordinator of Gearing-ROLES, University of Deusto) |
16:05–16:30 | Farewell coffee break |
16:30 | End of event |