Gender-SMART is organizing an upcoming online event at CUT. In collaboration with the EUT+ alliance, the Equality Committee of CUT and the Learning Network of CUT are organizing a series of seminars for inclusive practices in research and teaching, as well as in behavior.
The second seminar is taking place tomorrow (Nov 16), at 12:00 CET for 1 hour via zoom.
The topic is Inclusive mindset in Research
Link here
This talk will focus on what it means to have an inclusive mindset in research that reveals itself in Impact. Many people working in research make references to and write about gender, equity and inclusion to address scoring criteria for European Commission and other funding, or because of a specific field of interest that they want to examine. At the same time conversations, conferences and disseminations on equity and inclusion are dominated by women. This entrenches diversity conversations at the margins of research, as does token diversity representation. Building an inclusive mindset requires self reflection, engagement in learning, willingness to take feedback, responsibility to stay informed, and making mistakes. The speaker will bring in experiences within EUt+ to illuminate the argument.
Speaker: Dr Deirdre McQuillan is a senior researcher at Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin). She is currently a project team lead on the European University of Technology (EUt+) initiative. She leads the work on inclusiveness and embeddedness across the European alliance.