In the frame of the 60th Anniversary of the CIHEAM celebrations, the CIHEAM Bari is organising the Third World Conference on the Revitalization of the Mediterranean Diet. A dedicated session is organised to address gender and generation aspects in the Mediterranean diet to optimise research to a more sustainable, equitable and resilient food system approach in line with the Agenda 2030. The session “Game-changing solutions from lessons learned from women, youth and inclusive sustainable livelihoods in the Mediterranean Countries” will take place on Thursday, 29 September at 14.00 cest organised by Gender-SMART.
The session falls under the social and cultural challenges of the Mediterannean countries as changes in Mediterranean societies and roles of women (cf. gender equality and inclusion), emerging new unsustainable globalized lifestyle behaviours, population growth, progressive urbanization, migration from rural areas and from other countries, erosion of food cultures and traditional knowledge, lack of social and cultural innovation, education and communication.
The panel will be consisted of:
Moderators: Wafaa El Dikah, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture, Lebanon
Maroun El Moujabber, Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee PRIMA Foundation,
Rapporteur: Vasia Madesi, Yellow Window (Gender-SMART project)
- Margreet van der Burg, Wageningen University (Gender-SMART project)
- Rosanna Quagliariello, CIHEAM Bari
- Sandrine Dury, Assistant to the Director, Environments Department and Societies, CIRAD
- Amel M. Azab, SDG Climate Facility Project Coordinator, Arab Water Council (AWC), Co-chair, Gender Equity and Women Empowerment Voluntary Group for Climate Change, UNDRR
- Stefano Magno, Policlinico Gemelli, Rome
You may find more information visiting the website.