Cirad was honoured to welcome ISAS, Gender-SMART project technical partner, for an on-site visit to its premises in Montpellier on June 1-2. The main purpose of this visit was to collect data for the final monitoring and evaluation exercise. As such, exchanges with the Gender-SMART core team on GEP implementation and Impact Driver institutionalisation have been organised to reflect on gender equality actions at the organisation over the past four years.
The members of CIRAD committee of directors also benefitted from an exchange session to reflect on the impacts of the Gender-SMART project in CIRAD, its sustainability and the role of top leaders in steering change.
A seminar « Parlons genre », open to all Cirad staff and S&I partners in the region, was dedicated to research and innovation governance. Marcela Linkova presented the evolutions noticed in the governance models over the past years and how this may impact gender equality and social responsibility. Finally, a focus group composed of men was organised to reflect on their role in further steering institutional change.
All activities were highly appreciated by the various stakeholders. They provided useful insights and leviers for action to further steer change inside our institution.